2021 - 2024

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Faculty Lead 

| Lakeland University

2016 - 2021

NTT Assistant Professor of Spanish

| Western Oregon University

2012 - 2016

Primary Instructor of Spanish

| the University of Kentucky

2006 - 2007

Secondary Instructor of Spanish

| Amherst College

(*Solo recoge cargos universitarios)


PhD in Hispanic Studies

| The University of Kentucky


PhD in Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América y del Arte

| Universidad de Cádiz


BAs in Hispanic and Engish Philologies

| Universidad de Cádiz


Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica

de Profesorado de Enseñanza Secundaria

| Universidad de Cádiz

  • All levels of Spanish language
  • Spanish for heritage speakers
  • Applied Spanish for the professions (or specific purposes)
  • Translation and interpreting
  • Discourse analysis, ethnolinguistics and language ideology
  • Peninsular literary and cultural studies
  • US Latino literary and Cultural Studies
  • Afro-Hispanic literature with concentration in the production of Guinean Equatorial and Afro descents in Spain
  • Hispanic studies on race, ethnicity, whiteness
  • Identity politics, immigration, diaspora, border, multiculturalism, colonialism, transnational identities
  • Fantasmatic
  • Carnival
  • Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Lengua española a todos los niveles
  • Español para estudiantes de herencia
  • Lingüística aplicada para el español de las profesiones (o fines específicos)
  • Traducción e interpretación
  • Análisis del discurso, etnolingüística e ideología linguística
  • Literatura y estudios culturales de España
  • Literatura y estudios culturales latinoestadounidense (producción hispana en el marco de EEUU)
  • Literatura afrohispana con concetración en la producción guineoecuatoriana y afrodescendiente en España
  • Estudios de raza, etnia y blanquitud en el ámbito hispano
  • Políticas identitarias, inmigración, diáspora, frontera, multiculturalismo, colonialismo, identidades transnacionales
  • Fantasmática
  • Carnaval
  • Estudios interdisciplinares


  • SPAN 101, 102, 103 First Year Spanish
  • SPAN 201, 202, 203 Second Year Spanish
  • SPAN 299 Spanish Language and Cross-Cultural Awareness
  • SPAN 301, 303 Third Year Spanish
  • SPAN 317, 318, 319 Spanish for Heritage/Bilingual Speakers
  • SPAN 320 Business Spanish
  • SPAN 360 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures
  • SPA 370 Survey of Spanish Literature
    SPAN 401 Advanced Spanish Proficiency
  • SPAN 407 Seminar in Grammar & Literary Research Methodologies
  • SPAN 407 Seminar in Research in Teaching Methods
  • SPAN 416 Spanish Language Teaching Practicum
  • SPAN 446 Migrations and Borders in the Hispanic World
  • SPAN 485 Introduction to Translation and Interpreting
  • SPAN 486 Spanish Translation Practicum
  • SPAN 492 Senior Capstone Project


  • SPA 101, 102, 103 Beginning Spanish
  • SPA 201, 202, 203 Elementary Spanish
  • SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish Conversation
  • SPA 301, 302, 303 Intermediate Spanish
  • SPA 302 Spanish for Business Professionals
  • SPA 310 Spanish Composition through Textual Analysis
  • SPA 313 Advanced Spanish
  • SPA 314 Civilisation of Spanish America
  • SPA 332 Spanish and Latin American Business Environments
  • SPA 399 Field Based/Community Based Education (Service Learning)



  • SPAN 101, 102 Fundamentals of Spanish Language and Culture
  • SPAN 110 Introduction to Spanish and Spanish-American Cultures
  • SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture
  • SPAN 202 Advanced Spanish Language and Culture



  • SPA 100 Basic Spanish for Business
  • SPA 101, SPA 102 Elementary Spanish
  • SPA 103, 104, 203, 204 Spanish for Heritage and Bilingual Speakers
  • SPA 201, 202 Intermediate Spanish
  • SPA 280 Special Topics in Spanish: Carnival
  • SPA 301 Advanced Spanish
  • SPA 345 Introduction to Translation and Interpreting
  • SPA 351 Advanced Spanish Through Textual Analysis & Conversation
  • SPA 353 Spanish for Teaching
  • SPA 354 Intercultural Communication and Digital Humanities
  • SPA 366 Literature in the Spanish Speaking World
  • SPA 367 Cinema in the Spanish Speaking World
  • SPA 380 Contemporary Topics in the Spanish Speaking World
  • SPA 490 Independent Studies in Spanish
  • GEN 130 Introduction to Critical Thinking
  • GEN 345 Visions of the Afterlife